1. Do you read magazine?
All of those asked (10/10) read magazines.
2. What type of magazine do you prefer?
Out of my target audience majority (5/10) prefer music magazines.
3. From your chosen genre, which magazines do you prefer?
This answer, obviously, differs across the group. But out of those who preferred music magazines the prefered magazines where: NME, Kerrang, and Rocksound
4. How often do you buy magazines?
This was tied between those who y magazines weekly, and those who buy them monthly. This is likely because the most popular magazines in my target audience are either weekly or monthly.
5. Where do you buy magazines?
Majority of my target audience (5/10) buy magazines from a newsagents, with supermarkets a close second at 4/10
6. Have you ever bought an album because it was advertised in a magazine?
Majority (6/10) actually said they hadn't - this means that my magazine advertisement will have to be more eye-catching/interesting in order to persuade those who might not.
7. If yes, how did the advertisement influence your decision?
Most of the 'yes' answers seemed to agree that the advertisement caught their eye and made them want to look into the album further.
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