Friday, 28 January 2011

Research: Questionnaire: Music Videos: Feedback

1. Do you watch music videos?
Everyone I asked (10/10) had watched music videos.

2. If so, where do you mostly watch them?
Majority of my target audience (6/10) watched music videos on 'Youtube' or other legal online streaming sites.

3. Are you more likely to listen to an artist if they have good music videos?
The response was split (5/10 - 5/10) on this.

4. Which type of music video do you prefer?
Most of those asked preferred 'hybrid' videos - with the rest split over story and performance.

5. Do you have a favourite music video?
8/10 of my target audience have a favourite music video.

6. If so, what is it?
This answer is subjective, so it differs between those asked, and so is not needed, nor of any use, for comparison.

Research: Questionnaire: Magazine Advertisements: Feedback

1. Do you read magazine?
All of those asked (10/10) read magazines.

2. What type of magazine do you prefer?
Out of my target audience majority (5/10) prefer music magazines.

3. From your chosen genre, which magazines do you prefer?
This answer, obviously, differs across the group. But out of those who preferred music magazines the prefered magazines where: NME, Kerrang, and Rocksound

4. How often do you buy magazines?
This was tied between those who y magazines weekly, and those who buy them monthly. This is likely because  the most popular magazines in my target audience are either weekly or monthly.

5. Where do you buy magazines?
Majority of my target audience (5/10) buy magazines from a newsagents, with supermarkets a close second at 4/10

6. Have you ever bought an album because it was advertised in a magazine?
Majority (6/10) actually said they hadn't - this means that my magazine advertisement will have to be more eye-catching/interesting in order to persuade those who might not.

7. If yes, how did the advertisement influence your decision?
Most of the 'yes' answers seemed to agree that the advertisement caught their eye and made them want to look into the album further.

Research: Questionnaire: Digi-packs: Feedback

1. Do You Buy Digi-Packs?
Almost all (9/10) of those asked had, at some point, bought a digi-pack.

2. How often do you buy digi-packs?
The average response (4/10) was 'every few months' this is because digi-packs are less common than conventional cases, so consumers would be less likely to purchase them as regularly.

3. Where do you most often buy digi-packs?
The average response (6/10) was 'internet store'. This is expected as people are often more inclined to use internet stores as they are usually cheaper and more convenient.

4. How many digi-packs do you own?
The most common answer (4/10) was '4-6'. As mentioned above, digi-packs are less common so this is likely.

5. Does the cover to a digi-pack influence whether or not you buy it?
Over half (6/10) of those asked were influenced by packaging.

6. What do you prefer on the digi-pack cover?
This was tied with 3/10 preferring a band photo, and 3/10 liking non-photographic artwork. Because of this I shall design one of each style and ask my the same people which is better.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Research and Planning: Artist: Biffy Clyro

Biffy Clyro are a Scottish alternative rock group formed in the mid-nineties in Ayrshire, Scotland. The band is made up of singer and guitarist Simon Neil and twins James and Ben Johnson on Bass and Drums respectively. They spent the late-nineties and early 2000s in relative obscurity and built a cult fanbase. Their fourth album 'Puzzle', released in 2007, served to be their breakthrough and exposed them to a much wider audience. Their popularity has increased since then and their fifth album has placed them as one of the biggest British rock bands, even gaining them a top ten single with 'Many of Horror'.

As befits an alternative rock band, their style has been reasonably varied over their career. Their early albums consisted of post-hardcore and art-rock. From 'Puzzle' onwards their music has maintained the fundamental stylings of their earlier work, but it has been polished up and their albums contain some softer songs.