Monday, 4 April 2011


It seems the You Tube is a harsh mistress and will not upload my videos, no matter how I try. I shall endeavour to have them here as soon as it is humanly (or abhumanly) possible.

Youtube has finally stayed working long enough for these videos to be uploaded - thanks for your patience.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Final Product: Revised Music Video

In the light of the feedback from my target audience I decided to revise my music video. The perceived with it was that without the usual miming there was little link  between the song/lyrics and the visuals. I have decided to address this by simply expanding upon a idea that was used very sparingly in my original video - that of the classic movie style title cards. I added silent movie title cards displaying he lyrics through the video which give a better link between music and visuals and also provide a better example of intertextual references.
I also added a glow during the 'flash-back' sequences to further establish that they were the past and purely in his memories. This could also count as an intertextual reference as it is a similar effect to that which is used in numerous television programmes and films to establish a character is dreaming.

This addition seemed to have the desired effect with the audience as all of them much preferred the new version to the original.

Audience Feedback For Advertisement and Digipack

The audience reaction to my digipack and advertisement was very positive. As little in overall style had changed from the well received mock-ups the audience liked the look of the things. The look was cleaned up as I used an editing programme as opposed to Paint, so it had a better aesthetic than the mock-up. Thankfully this means I do not have to change my advertisement and digipack.

Planning: Target Audience Feedback For Mock-Ups

The audience feedback from my Digipack and Advertisement was favourable, which is encouraging! Praise was mainly directed towards the interpretation of the album's title in the artwork, and the unified theme throughout the two products. Obviously the art direction needs cleaning up - but that's because it was developed with Microsoft Paint, which I'm obviously not using for the final product.

Planning: Audience Feedback From Animatic

The feedback from my animatic was generally positive - some concerns were had over the speed of the thing as it seemed to linger on some scenes for a long time - this should be less of an issue when the characters in the scene are moving, so for now I'll keep that in mind but follow my initial plan.

Final Product: Feedback

The feedback from my target audience was fairly positive, with compliments on the "use of light and visual contrast" and the "optimistic ending", but there was a lot of mentions of the lack of miming and some of the audience suggested that using performance footage with the lack of any miming created a jarring effect on the video. I will try to address this with a revised edit of the video in which I hope to make the video feel like it compliments the video, rather than creating a nasty contrast.

Final Product: Music Video